Refreshing Energy Duo

Refreshing Energy Duo

Refreshing body care set to awaken and uplift
Fast-absorbing and instantly refreshing
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A body wash and lotion duo that revives your skin and senses with a truly refreshing experience. Energy Body Wash features an invigorating gel formula bright with ginger, java, lemongrass, and cedarwood that cleanses skin. Refreshing Body Lotion offers zesty-fresh citrus combined with the soothing power of cooling aloe vera and nurturing coconut oil to easily reveal supple skin. Fast-absorbing with a non-sticky finish, your skin will stay moisturized and fresh all day long. This set includes: • Aroma Essentials Energy Body Wash, 6.8 fl oz • Refreshing Body Lotion - Citrus, 6.8 fl oz


• Fast-absorbing and instantly refreshing lotion • Soft, comfortable skin feel • No animal testing • Free from parabens and phthalates • Free from synthetic preservatives and synthetic fragrances

Start in the shower with Energy Body Wash- applying the gel to your body using your hands or a loofah in a circular motion, then rinse off thoroughly. Pat skin dry and use gentle upward strokes to smooth Refreshing Body Lotion into your skin. It's the perfect way to wake up with a sunny outlook.

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