Lavender Relaxing Bathtime Regimen

Lavender Relaxing Bathtime Regimen

Lavender is traditionally known for its relaxing properties
Use this set to help you wind down during your bathtime routine.
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Lavender essential oil has been used historically to sooth and calm the senses, so there is no better way to relax at bathtime. Use Lavender Creamy Body Wash to gently cleanse, and Relaxing Body & Beauty Oil as a bath milk or as a moisturizer on damp skin. This set includes: • Lavender Creamy Body Wash, 6.8 fl oz • Relaxing Body & Beauty Oil, 3.4 fl oz


Gently cleanse and moisturize while harmonizing mind, body, and spirit. Dermatologically tested and free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colorants or raw materials derived from mineral oils.
Lavender Creamy Body Wash

Under the shower, wash all over. Does not produce a high lather.

Relaxing Body & Beauty Oil

Apply a small amount of Lavender Relaxing Body Oil to damp skin. Inhale deeply. Massage in a circular motion towards the heart until it is absorbed.

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